We’re delighted that the USA has recently announced that travel will reopen for vaccinated travellers from November 8.
We’re already expected a surge in bookings and expect this to continue for the next few weeks. We know there is a lot of pent-up demand for Florida vacations in the European market.
Given this expected surge, we need your help!
Check your Ciirus calendars now!
As you know, it is your responsibility as a homeowner to keep your Ciirus calendars up to date.
Please log in now and check the bookings in Ciirus. Please check all of the bookings you have taken are updated in the calendar.
If you are already talking to guests about possible dates, please block out the relevant period in your calendar. This way, we can’t take bookings for dates for which a guest has already expressed an interest.
This is the best way to avoid guest disappointment.

Why is it so important?
We’re asking you to do this, not just for the benefit of your guests, but also for the benefit of your fellow homeowners.
The contracts we have with tour operators have numerous targets and standards we must meet. One important rule is around cancellations. If we have to cancel a guest booking due to double booking, we risk damaging the relationship with the tour operators and may lose their business.
Losing these contracts wouldn’t just affect your home – it would affect the bookings on every home we manage. That’s why it’s so important that you keep your calendar up to date and we avoid double bookings wherever possible.
As you know, it has been a difficult eighteen months for everyone. Please let’s show consideration as we emerge from the pandemic.
Best practice tips for calendar management

Here are some best practice tips to help you.
#1. We recommend that you log in to Ciirus every week and check your bookings. This is the best way to maintain an overview.
#2. Ciirus will send an automatic notification when a booking is made. However, sometimes these can end up in spam folders. Make sure you whitelist our email address to minimise the chance of this happening.
#3. Log in to Cirrus and check the dates are free before you confirm the booking. Please do this for EVERY booking you take.
#4. If a guest has contacted you about possible dates, log in to Ciirus and block off all the dates under consideration. This way, we can’t take a booking for those dates while the guest makes their considerations. This is the best way to avoid any disappointment with the guests you are speaking with – so please do block out potential dates as soon as you can. It’s easy to unblock or book them once the dates are confirmed.
#5. Don’t worry if you don’t feel confident using Ciirus. You can find lots of brilliant video tutorials and tips online. For a small investment in time, you can be really confident using the system. Find out more here: https://help.ciirus.com/m/21080/l/980716-home-owner-portal-2018
#6. Please do everything you can to avoid double bookings. Cancellations aren’t just bad for guests; they are bad for everyone. A double booking could cost us an important contract with a tour operator or reseller and this won’t just impact you – it will impact every homeowner we work with.
Important updates about Ciirus
Ciirus is our main calendar for bookings and, as a result, a variety of agents and tour operators have access to the system. It can sometimes take a little while for the activity of those agents to go live because they need to be processed by our team before they are confirmed.
When you do your weekly check of the system, if you notice a booking for which you haven’t received a notification, please reach out to our team and we can resend it to you.
It is possible to link your Ciirus calendars to the other calendars you might have. If you want to do this, please ask us for an iCal link. However, this isn’t completely foolproof. Instead, we recommend that you login and check the Ciirus calendar when you need to and at least once a week. This way, we don’t risk any problems arising from integration errors or dates not being carried over.
As you know, the system also sends out cancellation notices. There have been many cancellation and change-of-date requests over the past 18 months. During this time, we believe that some haven’t been delivered. We have reported this to Ciirus and they are looking into it. We will keep you informed of their advice.
In the meantime, this makes it more important than ever to regularly check your online Ciirus calendar. Please make sure you are doing so, especially before each booking you take.
What now?
Please contact our team if you have any questions or concerns.
Make sure you check and update your Ciirus calendar right away, so you are ready for the surge in bookings that will inevitably follow this announcement.
And let’s look forward to the more positive outlook before us! It’s great news for us all.