How does White Rose Villas use real-time booking insights to help our home owners to maximise returns from their vacation rental properties? Discover more here.

The White Rose Villas team is constantly reviewing how we work and how we can help you to maximise the return from your vacation rental property.

We’ve recently introduced a new Booking Insights tool which is helping us to optimise the rates and promotion of your properties.

What is Booking Insights?

Booking Insights is an online tool which provides real-time information about the performance and optimal booking rates for the homes we manage.

It gives information such as:

  • Number of quotes generated per week
  • Percentage change in number of quotes generated
  • Most popular arrival dates
  • Pricing anomalies
  • Dynamic pricing comparisons against the major listing sites, VRBO and Airbnb
Example of a Booking Insights notification showing price comparison information about one of our homes

This information can be used in a variety of ways to optimise the performance of each home.

How are we using Booking Insights?

We use the information in the booking insights during our weekly dynamic pricing reviews.

This way, we can make sure that you are attaining market-optimised prices – maximising value during busy periods and maximising competitiveness during quieter periods to boost occupancy rates.

We will always action the dynamic pricing reviews within the parameters you have already agreed with us.

This way, we optimise returns and occupancy within the remit and conditions you have set.

How does Booking Insights benefit guests?

Using booking insights in this way helps us to ensure that it is always cheaper for guests when they book direct with us.

Using the comparison tool with Aibnb and VRBO, we can ensure that our prices are always cheaper.

This benefits the guests because they aren’t hit with unexpected or unwanted extra fees or charges that they often experience when booking with the third-party sites.

It also ensures a better guest experience because they come direct to us with problems and queries. This means that we can take action or provide answers sooner.

How does Booking Insights benefit homeowners?

Booking Insights helps our homeowners to maximise the returns from your vacation rental properties.

As we’ve already discussed, by keeping a close eye on prices, we can also boost direct bookings.

As well as preventing unwanted extra fees eating into your margins, this helps you as owners because when guests book direct we can establish a closer relationship with the guests.

And these relationships aren’t governed by the restrictive terms laid down by the listing sites. There’s more flexibility. You and your guests can reach agreements that suit you both better.

Got feedback?

If you have any comments or queries about booking insights, please reach out to our team.