White Rose Villas has introduced a new, better way for you to get in touch with our team. Discover the details here.

Calling all homeowners! We’ve installed a new phone system to make it easier for your calls to reach the right person.

How to choose the right contact option

When you call our main number (UK or USA) or admin phone number, you’ll be routed to a menu system.

We’ve purposefully kept the menu system simple, so it is easy to choose the right option to suit your enquiry.


1 = Reservations

Choose this to make a new booking.

2 = 24/7 customer services

This option is for guests while they are staying with us. They will be directed to the On Resort Breezeway Assist team in the first instance, giving responsive 24/7 coverage.

3 = Property management

As an owner, this is the option you should choose. You’ll be directed to the on-duty property management contact.

4 = Agent bookings

This is a dedicated option for travel agents and independent agents to assist with booking enquiries.

Please call the main number

We know that some homeowners already have the personal phone numbers or WhatsApp contact details for individual members of our staff.

Moving forward, we kindly ask that you refrain from using these personal contact details.

That’s because when you call the main number, your call is properly logged and answered.

If you call individual team members, the call won’t be logged and you might not receive a call back. To get the fastest possible response to your query it is, therefore, better to call the main number.

Please respect our staff

The other important reason to call the main office number rather than personal staff contact numbers is out of respect for our team. We’ve have some occasions recently when staff have received calls and even dealt with enquiries on their days off.

We really don’t want to put our team in this position. We want to honour their time off.

Please help us to do this by always calling the main office number (either UK or USA).

US: 407-605-5865

UK: 0333 332 1411

Which number to give your guests

Please give your guests the USA office number.

That’s: 407 605 5865

If your guests need assistance while on vacation, it’s best to call this number and choose option 2.

Got feedback about how it works?

We’re always keen to hear your feedback when we implement changes.

Please do share your thoughts with us about how the new system is working.