1420 Celebration Blvd FL 34747

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It’s just two sleeps away from the launch of our exciting Advent promotion.

white rose villas advent promotion 2024 - 2 days to go

We’re going to be launching a series of fun posts throughout the advent period to encourage our guests and homeowners to engage on our page.

Each time you post in answer to a challenge, you’ll earn an entry to our 12 Days of Christmas Raffle on Christmas Eve.

And every time someone likes one of your posts in response to any of our advent calendar challenges, you’ll earn an extra bonus entry!

So the more posts and the more likes on your posts, the more chances you have to win.

And the prizes?

We can’t promise any partridges in pear trees or seven swans a swimming (although it wouldn’t be the craziest thing we’ve found in a swimming pool!) but we can promise you 12 White Rose Villas prizes.

You could win:

Stay tuned for more updates and be ready to share your thoughts with us!

The Advent Calendar promotion launches on December 1st.

Follow our White Rose Villas Facebook page now to ensure you see all the challenges and can post your entries.