We at White Rose Villas are constantly searching for ways to increase those valuable bookings for our owners; particularly in these unprecedented times. We’ve previously discussed altering your cancellation policy and rate flexibility to encourage wavering potential bookers; today we want you to take a look at the many positives to be derived from making your home pet-friendly.

Many of you may, for different reasons, have never considered such a move: property damage, extra cleaning, allergies etc. We certainly wouldn’t wish to advise you to take a path you’re not entirely comfortable with. We would, however, ask that you take a few minutes to consider the many benefits of offering your home to pet owners (and their precious animals).

We at WRV have a selection of pet-friendly homes and experience very few issues; in fact, these homes are renting and filling up first, plus the renters tend to re-book!

You may, if you prefer, make your home dog-friendly only, and specify the maximum weight of canine you’re happy to welcome. This may remove concerns about huge, unusual or exotic creatures inhabiting your home! Provided you make any such policy clear in your T’s and C’s, you should have no concerns.

Looking at the US: in 2019 there were 44% of households owning a dog and 35% a cat; an enormous potential market. According to a recent TripAdvisor survey, 53% of pet owners take their beloved animals with them, only 25% of rental homes are willing to accept them. 64% of dog owners plan their trips specifically with the ability to bring their pets with them, and 53% would pay extra ($100 or more) to ensure this. On average, pet-friendly homes have between 10-20% higer rental income and higher occupancy than others. Switching to accommodate them could be a further weapon in your armoury, and provide the competitive edge we’re all searching for.

You can charge more to cover extra cleaning costs; require a deposit against possible damage and make it clear that any and all damage will be charged for. Any responsible pet owner should be happy to accept this. The WRV professional cleaning team are well-versed in cleaning our pet-friendly homes, and will ensure your home is sparkling clean between rentals. Guest reviews show no difference in the cleanliness or condition scores of these properties.

To sum up: you may earn more, you’ll encourage repeat bookings, your property condition won’t be affected and your overall occupancy level should increase.

These are all positive reasons to consider when formulating your rental policy; offering a pet-friendly home may not be for everyone, but it’s something we advise you to seriously consider.

White Rose Villas are constantly on the look out for pet friendly homes, if you would like to discuss this option or are interested in us managing your home, please email us at admin@whiterosevillas.com or complete the form below and we will get back in touch with you.