Vacation Rentals are under attack in Florida from Senate Bill 280 (SB280) that recently passed the Florida state legislature. We have only days remaining to make an impact!
Your voice is needed.
What is SB280?
The Florida Senate and House of Representatives recently passed Senate Bill 280, which, if signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis, will significantly impact vacation rentals, tourism, and property rights across the state. Let’s work together to stop this overreach.
This bill opens PMCs, property managers and guests to increased restrictions, such as:
- Local governments can remove vacation rentals based on undefined “violations” with no notice to guests and no course of redress for lost funds for either the rental owner or the guest.
- It eliminates the right for bunk rooms in homes and enforces a 2 person per bedroom maximum – negatively affecting traveling families among others.
- Unlimited fees means higher costs to run a vacation rental business and higher costs to rent a vacation home by visitors to Florida. This equates to an additional tax for PMCs and homeowners alike.
Key Data estimates this could impact upwards of 40% of vacation rentals in the state of Florida and reduce associated revenue in communities by 30% or more.

We need your help to stop the overreach.
We believe in fair thoughtful regulation but Florida SB280 is a jobs killer and will impact the rights of businesses, property owners and guests alike.
How Can We Stop This?
We need Gov. DeSantis to Veto SB280. All voices are important but especially those of you based in Florida.
Take action yourself. Reach out by email and by phone:
- Email the Governor directly:
- Click Here to Sign
- Click Here for Information on How to Contact the Governor’s Office and see Our Call and Email Scripts
We’re doing our best to share the news and urge our homeowners to take action. Please share this blog with other Florida vacation rental homeowners you know. This will impact them directly.
Please also share with your employees, partners and vendors in the Florida market. These changes will have a negative impact on them and their businesses as well.
You can find more details about SB280 and efforts to stop it here:
If you have additional requests or need more information, please reach out to Scott Leggat, Inhabit’s Director of Government Affairs at:
As always, we are on hand to answer your questions. If you have any comments or queries, please reach out to our team.